Doing Right by Our Youth

Youth from RiseUp Red Wing programming participated in the 2023 Youth Intervention Program (YIP) Association outcome survey, a statewide survey for youth-serving grantees of YIP funding. The survey gathered young people’s self-reported views on a variety of factors, including on the role of caring adults. We're proud to share that local youth see and understand the value of adults in their lives:

77% of local respondents said that their involvement with RiseUp Red Wing has given them positive adult role models. This is 24% higher than the statewide average of all programs (53%).

80% of local respondents said that their involvement with RiseUp Red Wing has shown them that adults in their life want them to do well. This is 28% higher than the statewide average of all programs (52%).


Partner Spotlight: Red Wing Shoe Company’s Commitment to Youth Mentorship


Parent Perspective: Lisa’s Story